Author: moberauer
Hangfire background tasks for .NET – Part 4: Hangfire Dashboard
Time to improve our monitoring and management of background jobs with Hangfire Dashboard.
Doing SSH right (on Windows)
Windows now ships with OpenSSH, making life easier for all of us. Generating an SSH Keypair I generate my SSH […]
Hangfire background tasks for .NET – Part 3: Hangfire server
Creating a Hangfire server application to process the jobs we created with Hangfire client.
Hangfire background tasks for .NET – Part 2: Using the client
This post is about how to use the client api to create jobs for Hangfire to process in the background. It also describes the initial project set-up and configuration.
Powershell Cheatsheet
This is a work-in-progress post. It’s never really finished! Every Cmdlet has this structure: Verb–Noun. Always prefer single quotes over […]
Cross-Site-Request-Forgery mitigation techniques
Learn how CSRF attacks work and how to stop them. Also covers which requests are considered to be same-site and same-origin.
Poor Man’s Monitoring for ASP.NET Applications
Graph some useful metrics with onboard components. No installs. No money spending.
Backups – Junior Developer Handbook
This is the absolute minimum you need to know about Backups. Having a solid backup and restore strategy is crucial […]
IPv6 is not new, it’s nearly thirty years old and implemented virtually everywhere but nobody seems to use it so […]
Hangfire background tasks for .NET – Part 1: The fundamentals
Whether a task takes to long to be processed directly by the webserver, we need to perform something sometime but […]